My life in Fukuoka leading to Catalant was not wasted.
Putri Melinda プトゥリ メリンダ(Indonesia)
Hello, readers!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Melinda, and I’m an Indonesian who is currently interning in a vocational school in Fukuoka. I’m also a Catholic.
But by the time you read this, I have returned back to Indonesia because my internship term is over. So, since you haven’t had the chance to know me more, I will tell you a bit about myself and how my life was in Fukuoka.
I started my internship in Fukuoka on February 28th 2024 as a 21 years old woman. At the time, I actually wasn’t looking forward to working in Japan due to the rumors of toxic work culture that took place in Japan. I was also unhealthy and unwell physically, mentally, and emotionally.
In the first three months, I struggled with loneliness, anxiety, and feeling homesick. As I was an intern, so I was a student in my final University years, writing my thesis and doing my project. The sheer pressure of both personal and professional life pushed me over the edge lots of time. It was difficult seeing my friends doing their thesis and project in Indonesia, while feeling stuck in my own room. “At least, they’re somewhere familiar although they struggle”, I thought to myself. I understand that, perhaps this is a part of adapting to a new environment with new situations unfolding, which is why I was even experiencing those things.
But alas, there were just moments when it all just felt a bit too much that I started crying and pleading to the Lord to come and save me from my misery. I said to the Lord, “Please be with me. Stay with me. Show me your presence and guide me, Lord. I cannot live without You.” And in all of that suffering, I started reading my bible more often, journaling, and even started joining online communities that would interpret the verses in the Bible!
I think it would be a different case if a similar situation happened in my home country. Because what I have seen and experienced growing up, going to church and being with the Lord feels like it’s a chore and it’s optional, let alone walking in faith and Jesus’s teachings. I was surrounded with religions, including my own, but I see little of the fruits of the teachings they received during sermons and into their daily lives. It’s like seeing a church as merely a building and something common just like skyscrapers and malls; we could do whatever we want after visiting them.
But once you experience that point in life where you are at your lowest and you still have that tiny seed of knowledge about Christ, it can save you when you decide to water it. As Christ has said, even if your faith is as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains if you believe. In the same way, you can move yourself out of that pit by clinging to Christ and His words. And that’s what I have done.
Then throughout that journey, I finally understood that God’s words are food for the soul and spirit. And in our weakness, we are perfected in Christ; and that Christ strengthens us in our suffering.
One day in a fine afternoon, I attended the English mass in the Daimyomachi Church in Fukuoka. At the end of the mass, there was an announcement that there would be a celebration for an International church gathering called “Catalant”, and that others who are interested in joining are asked to stay back for a bit. Feeling curious, I read the announcement pamphlet that the church gave and went to the said location.
And praise the Lord, I did not regret my choice that day.
I met various kinds of people from different backgrounds and what would be some of the best people that I have met that I still talk to today. After the celebration was over, I followed Catalant’s social media and waited until the day it officially opens.
And then fast forward into the opening day, I head inside and was greeted with some people who were already there before I came. They were very warm and welcoming, and they asked me where I’m from, etc. We played games, hanged out, and did our things in the gathering. Little do they know that spending time with them helped me heal and feel like I belong, and that life is not so bad after all. And that I would come there every chance that I’ve got.
Now that I have gone home, I feel like my time was not wasted here. As I grow, so does my faith. And I tell you my brothers and sisters in Christ, and all of you who are challenged in faith; Christ has not forsaken us, and that all of the blessings and goodness we see and experience are one of the evidences that He is with us everywhere we go.
May the Lord’s grace and mercy be with us all. God bless you.

【 日本語訳 】
自己紹介をさせてください。私の名前はメリンダと申します。私はインドネシア出身で、現在福岡の専門学校でインターンシップをしています。また、カトリック信者です。 この文章を読んでいる頃には、インターン期間が終わり、インドネシアに帰国していることでしょう。ですので、私のことをもっと知っていただくために、少しお話しさせてください。